Året der gik: En julehilsen fra GPower

A Year in Review: A Christmas Greeting from GPower

2018 has been an eventful year for GPower with many new employees, customers, and further development of own products and test concepts. However, we expect even more of 2019! In this blog post, our CEO will emphasize some of the highlights of 2018 followed by expectations for 2019.

In several areas, GPower has experienced great and positive changes during 2018. Broadly, we can go on a Christmas holiday with the conviction that we have followed our strategy and lived up to the expectations that we set for the year. Besides the fact that we, among other things, are getting more exciting test and measurement projects, our development department has also become more than twice as big as previously. As it appears now, we have built up a strong team of engineers and physicists that will be expanded by 2-3 men in the first quarter of 2019.

Hence, we can in parallel with our usual test and measurement projects also solve large-scale vision-oriented development projects. At the same time, we have made good progress with the further development of our software platform, high-quality instruments, and test concepts. These are all highlights that you will hear more about in 2019.

What Is the Overall Picture of 2018?

In general, we can see that the market has welcomed our vision. A vision that is based on the fact that the industry deserves and expects better and more affordable testing and measuring instruments. When we can say that for sure, the reason is that our primary growth in 2018 has been created in cooperation with existing customers who have been able to use our solutions for multiple projects.

In 2019, we are ready to be more structured in terms of introducing our solutions for new customers and markets which will be done in cooperation with our long-standing partner, National Instruments.

Finally, I would like to wish our business partners a merry Christmas. See you in 2019.

– Martin Boje, CEO at GPower.

Sidste omgang af GPowers bage-battle er skudt i gang!

The Final Round of GPower’s Baking Battle Has Just Begun!

Even though we are busy, there should always be room for fun and enjoyment! This is GPower’s philosophy! Lately, we have organized a cake competition that started as a cozy and an enjoyable project. However, before we knew it, the cozy project changed into a bigger baking battle! 😊

Why Did We Choose a Cake Competition?

It was the following statement: ”We’re not having cake quite often, aren’t we?” that started our cake competition at our headquarters in Hinnerup, Denmark. However, while the intention was to start a cozy and an enjoyable cake competition where the GPower colleagues could bring a home-made dream or chocolate cake, the cozy part was quickly changed into a real baking battle!

Have You Gone Too Far to Win...?

Despite the fact that it was our CEO that launched the project, he was – as the only person – disqualified from the competition. In addition to the fact that the cake was too good compared to his kitchen skills, he could neither answer whether he had added yeast in the cake or not which made the decision about disqualification a bit easier.

This decision meant also that the competitor and competitive person, Jesper (see the picture below), could breathe a sigh of relief, as he won the victory as well as the bragging rights.

The Final Baking Battle Takes Place Today

After a couple of months devoted to a cake competition, Steen and Jens Christian will complete the baking battle today. For now, we are not acquainted with the winner of today’s competition but owing to our development department, an anonymous poll has just been sent!

Emil fra 8. klasse har været i erhvervspraktik hos GPower

Emil from the 8th Grade Just Finished an Internship at GPower

What does it mean to be a part of a software company? Last week, 14-year-old Emil Andersen gained insight into this question when he was an intern at GPower's headquarters in Hinnerup, Denmark.

Tasks to Solve

Since our primary tool is LabVIEW, one of our developers had, of course, prepared a few tasks that Email was going to solve by using the visual programming language.

What Is LabVIEW? [National Instruments]

In addition, another task was to build a robot of Lego. But as an intern at GPower, it was naturally not enough just to build the robot – Emil was also going to do a subsequent programming task.

The School Is Not So Bad

As a follow up question, we were, of course, interested in hearing whether it had been funnier being a part of a company rather than going to school. However, while we expected Emil to say that three days in the company of our software developers had been funnier than three days at school, the feedback was nevertheless a bit different:

“Actually, it is funnier going to school. At school, funny and random things happen all the time. Moreover, we have also shorter days than here”  – Emil Andersen, Intern at GPower. 

So, while we thought we had a fun weekday here at GPower, it can obviously not compete with a day of school 😊

Efterlad aldrig elektronik uden opsyn, når der er udviklere til stede!

Never Leave Electronics Unattended When Developers Are Present!

Normally, people have no need to break down hardware in smaller parts in order to see what is hiding behind the technical equipment. However, this is COMPLETELY different in terms of developers! A claim that has been confirmed once again here at the office in Hinnerup.

A Typical Day at the Office

A possible supplier had brought along some marketing material consisting of a video player among others. In keeping with tradition, the small piece of electronics could not stay on the developers’ table for many seconds before it was transformed into atoms.

For our developers, it was not enough to know that it was “some kind of video player” with some marketing material. It had to be investigated – investigated down to the last detail.

The Current Situation

In addition to a technical feedback, the last message, we received from the development department, was that our CEO has to let them know when he is going to use the player again…

Here in the administration, we must acknowledge that we actually look forward to getting the player back in its original state as it is usually us that are teased regarding our technical skills… 😀

Flere projekter retfærdiggør flere medarbejdere - GPower

More Projects Justify More Employees

More projects and products are equivalent to more employees. At GPower, that is at any rate the case as we have tripled the staff in just six months.

Two More Men from 1 May, 2018

With a growing number of projects in various industries and an ongoing development of our modular software, we have lately been looking for more system developers for our development team.

Therefore, it is also good news that we from 1 May have employed Jeppe Lohse as system developer for development projects. 

Jeppe is, however, not the only new employee with start-up 1 May. As a result of the increasing staffing in the development team, we have also employed an experienced project manager for project management of existing and future projects by the name of Michael Prisskov Lundsgaard. Michael has, among other things, more than 10 years of experience in terms of software and hardware projects.

Expectations for the Future

“Our expectations for the future are that we will build on our modular software simultaneously with the execution of external projects, so we can make quality instruments available for a wider range of businesses than previously seen. In this respect, we look also forward to launching our product sales page in a few months as it helps to support our future focus on both project and product sales” – Martin Boje, CEO, GPower.

To fysikere på to uger hos

Two Physicists in Two Weeks

Welcome to Aske Thorsen – the newest addition to our development team. Aske is a physicist which also means that we have become two physicists richer at GPower in just two weeks.

New Types of Developers

As described in a former post, we have started looking broader for candidates for our development team. So, while we previously have been looking specifically for engineers with experience in LabVIEW programming, our new strategy also calls for new types of developers.

Do you want to become a part of GPower? Please, visit our career site. You are always welcome to send an unsolicited application to us.

Nu har vi også en fysiker i vores udviklingsafdeling

Now, We Also Have a Physicist on Our Development Team

We have become an employee richer at GPower! As a result of a successful internship, Andreas Boes Jakobsen continues as a part of our development team where he is going to develop modular software for several of our new projects among other things.

New Skills for Our Development Team

“I wanted to have my internship program at GPower because I have a great interest for both software and hardware. During my studies, I have also used LabVIEW myself in terms of managing and collecting data from measuring instruments, and I can gain a lot more insight into that by being a part of GPower’s development team.”

That was what Andreas said when he started in an internship program with us four weeks ago. Now, Andreas has become a part of our development team, and we look forward to having an experimental physicist into our development team that has only consisted of engineers so far.

An Internship at GPower

Besides Andreas has passed the CLAD certification (Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer) from National Instruments during his internship with the purpose of getting the best and the most fundamental competences in LabVIEW, he has also among others:

    • Built on his LabVIEW skills from the university
    • Got insight into project management and design documents by being a part of an ongoing project
    • Got knowledge of embedded design by programming applications to for instance National Instruments’ RIO platform

New Strategy Calls for New Types of Developers

“In line with our new strategy, we have started looking broader for candidates for our development team. Previously, we have been looking specifically for engineers with experience in LabVIEW programming, but our focus has changed. Now, we are also looking for physicists, mathematicians and the like. And in addition to Andreas, we have also, from March 1, 2018, employed another physicist for our development team.” – Martin Boje, CEO, GPower.


How Can We Rethink Software and Hardware? [GPower V. 2.0]

Besides GPower is a new way of thinking software and hardware in terms of measuring and testing for industries, GPower also aims to challenge a market-standard, we believe up until now has been too expensive and too time-consuming.

How Do We Rethink Software and Hardware?

Based on unique solutions and specialized knowhow, we develop high-quality instruments for automation, simulation, and testing grounded in the ideal to constantly push the standards in our field and to make our quality instruments available for small and medium-sized businesses also.

Our vision is to develop faster, better, and more affordable solutions than ever seen before. Whether it is a matter of simulating large machines or potential prototypes, quality testing of products, or automation of one or several industrial working procedures.

The Right Foundation to Build On

Founder Steen Secher Schmidt started GPower in the autumn of 2012 with the goal to change the approach he believed to be the business-standard. From his viewpoint, the market was defined by a motivation to bill as many man-hours as possible instead of providing clients with high-quality solutions at a reasonable price. Steen made his ambition reality by developing a modular software-foundation that is easily adjustable and customizable for various needs.

“The trend so far seems to have been that clients don’t see much progress despite steep prices. So far, elements used in ‘Project A’ and ‘Project B’ have not been utilized in projects ‘C’, ‘D’, or ‘E’. Instead, software is developed from scratch every time. This is expensive, time-consuming, and a client rarely ends up with his needs met. That is why we have built a modular basis-software that can be adjusted to each specific task enabling us to provide better, faster, and more affordable solutions for our clients.” – Steen Secher Schmidt, founder and CTO, GPower.

GPower v. 2.0

Since 2012, we have continued to grow, and we carry out projects for small as well as large clients. Our mission is still to make high-quality instruments for automation, simulation, and testing available for as many businesses as possible, but 2017 has marked a turning point for us. Martin Boje gained the position of Chief Executive Officer at GPower, and a new strategy was formed.

“By utilizing the software, Steen has developed with his extensive and acknowledged expertise regarding LabVIEW-development, and GPower’s partnership with National Instruments (NI), the goal is to provide smart and modular standardized solutions that combine our unique software and NI’s quality hardware at reasonable prices. With GPower, clients can expect the most optimal and stabile solutions that suit their every need. From simple datalogging to large enterprise solutions – and everything in between.” – Martin Boje, CEO and co-owner, GPower.

Besides still building customized production- and industry solutions from scratch, GPower also offer standardized instruments installed with our own unique software and endless possibilities in terms of customization. The common denominator for all our instruments is the fact that we will be hands-on all the way from order to implementation, and we deliver stable and optimized hardware and software solutions regardless of the needs and industry.

A Green Privilege

Here at GPower, we have several clients and collaborators who are working passionately in terms of green-tech and green energy. We view it as a privilege and of extreme importance to be an active party in optimizing, furthering and strengthening the development of green technology and energy production.

Andreas virksomhedspraktik GPower

Andreas Is the Newest Addition to GPower

Andreas Boes Jakobsen just started an internship program in our development team. Andreas is an educated physicist from Aarhus University, and he is currently teaching physics at Aarhus Statsgymnasium.

Why GPower?

“I wanted to have my internship program at GPower because I have a great interest for both software and hardware. During my studies, I have also used LabVIEW myself in terms of managing and collecting data from measuring instruments and I can gain a lot more insight into that by being a part of GPower’s development team.” – Andreas Boes Jakobsen

An Exhaustive Know of LabVIEW

With a background in physics, Andreas already has an exhaustive knowledge of the programming language LabVIEW from the course “Management and Data Collection” he had in his 6th semester. Andreas will build on this knowledge during his internship where he also will pass a CLAD certification (Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer).

“At GPower, we look forward to see what Andreas can contribute with when it comes to physics. Besides computer software, much of our work involves measuring and creating physical signals. Here, we believe that Andreas’ background as a physicist can be extremely valuable. That said, we also look forward to have someone with a different technical background joining us experienced engineers”. – Steen Secher Schmidt, founder and CTO, GPower.

New Strategy Calls for New Types of Developers

In line with our new strategy, we have started looking broader for candidates for our development team. Previously, we have been looking specifically for engineers with experience in LabVIEW programming, but now our focus has changed. Now, we are also looking for engineers with experience in other programming languages, physicists, mathematicians and the like. For instance, from March 1, 2018, we have employed another physicist for our development team.

GPower Samsøvej 31

New Facilities Are the Foundation of GPower’s Further Growth

By relocating ourselves a bit up Samsøvej in Hinnerup, Denmark, GPower has found the perfect surroundings to suit our current growth and the future ambitions of expansion while securing the best possible working-environment for present and future employees.

Although we have not moved that great of a distance it makes a world of difference. In the beginning of December we relocated from Samsøvej 21 to Samsøvej 31 because we found the most ideal surroundings for our growth and the direction we are moving in as a company. With more space and a free and professional environment, the future of GPower takes an exciting step forward.

As founder and CTO, Steen Secher Schmidt, describes it: “This is the first station in the next step of the journey GPower has started. These new facilities will become the foundation of our further growth.”

GPower is in the process of growth and we have our sights set on the global markets with our tailored and customized solutions in terms of instruments, simulation, automation and testing. Therefore, it is essential to have the right surroundings and facilities to ensure that we fulfill our ambitions.

”We are currently rethinking our approach to the market via a new business-strategy: At GPower, we provide affordable, high-quality instruments for automation, simulation, and test. In line with this strategy, it is beneficial for us – and indeed our clients – that our developers now will work more in-house which these new facilities make possible. On a side note, it does not hurt that the facilities are fantastic which motivates and nurtures the knowledge-sharing that we aim to achieve,” CEO, Martin Boje, says.

With our developers working more in-house, the possibility for this experience and knowledge-sharing regarding our approach to the projects we work on, is greatly increased. Additionally, it is in direct correlation with our ambition to develop an “in-house schooling” for our new developers where they can be trained in the field of expertise – especially regarding LabVIEW and TestStand – that GPower has built over the last 20 years.

A Sense of Home Regardless of Growth

This move means more space for both our hardworking minds and our hardware. The storage capacity is greatly increased and since we are working on adding even more skill-full and qualified staff, it is key that we have the right facilities and the right atmosphere.

”We have chosen this new location because it contains a warmth perfectly aligned with our company’s atmosphere of being a family. We want to maintain this atmosphere no matter how much our staff will increase. As a bonus, I have a clear view to a vacant office across the hall if that should become necessary,” says Martin Boje.