Going against Darren’s advice: Being successful with PPLs as shared components

Watch og Re-watch: “Going against Darren’s advice: Being successful with PPLs as shared components” [GDevCon]

Did you miss Jens Christian Andersen's presentation at this year's GDevCon in Stuttgart? Then, watch it here - or wait until next week, when the presentation will be extended by 15 minutes at [T&M] Days ’24 (Test & Measurement Days) in Copenhagen.

A presentation by GPower's Senior Specialist, Jens Christian Andersen, at #GDevCon5

In this presentation, Jens Christian delves into modular software development with LabVIEW by using packed project libraries (PPLs) as standalone software components. He will, among others, touch on several important topics, especially:

• The life of a software component: Version, independence, and dependencies
• The benefits of, and differences between, shared components and plugins
• Differences between what you need from a software component in the
development environment and in your application’s runtime environment
• Why PPLs are a tempting choice for shared components and plugins, and why they can be difficult to use

Software components in the form of reuse libraries have been distributed as VI Packages for years. VI Packages Manager lets you install such reuse code into your development environment, which in turn lets the LabVIEW Application Builder include it within your built applications. But shared components and plugins must be built independently of your application, and they must be distributed with NI Package Manager. 

In the presentation, Jens Christian tells about how PPLs can be used for this, how PPLs can easily be made to depend on each other, and how you can go about using the same component both in the development environment while you build your application, and in the runtime environment when you run your application. 

In addition, he demonstrates how NI Package Manager can be used. Also,  how to install some additional tools the PPLs, including building palettes to make your PPLs’ public APIs accessible in the LabVIEW development environment.

Time Presentation
09:30 Doors open – coffee, tea or water
10:00 Keynote What’s new in NI software and NI hardware by CNRood, William Baars, NI Teamleader
10:30 What’s new in Denmark by CNRood, Jack Bering
11:00 Break, enjoy a coffee, tea or water
11:30 Investing in a Software Centric Approach to Test by NI, René Voorhorst, Sales Director
12:00 Make Test a Competitive Advantage by NI, Marco Peira, Senior Account Manager
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Going against Darren’s advice: Being successful with PPLs as shared components by GPower, Jens Christian Østergaard Andersen
14:15 Lab to Digital: Test Data and Traceability by Init, Håkon Risbakk
15:00 Calibrate or not by Trescal, Alex Rodenburg
15:30 Happy Hour and Closing Quiz with presents for the winners!
Tre LabVIEW Champions hos GPower

GPower: No Less than Three LabVIEW Champions

At GPower, we are not just one or two, but nothing less than three LabVIEW Champions! An appointment that emphasizes our LabVIEW skills to a great extent. In short, LabVIEW is a visual programming language from NI which is especially used for test, measurement, and control. We would like to congratulate Jesper Kjær Sørensen, who, among other things, want to create a LabVIEW network in Denmark. A network where you can learn from each other across companies and universities.

What Is a LabVIEW Champion?

As a LabVIEW Champion, you have been recognized by NI for application development, technical depth and breadth, and leadership and contributions to the LabVIEW community. In addition to being credible technology experts from around the world who inspire others to learn and grow with LabVIEW through active technical community participation and face-to-face interactions, LabVIEW Champions are also characterized by being positive contributors and part of the success of LabVIEW.

Read more about LabVIEW Champions

The Only Danish Consultancy with LabVIEW Champions

In addition to being the only LabVIEW Champion consultancy team in Denmark, GPower is also the highest certified LabVIEW and TestStand team. An average that supports the fact that we can solve the most demanding and complicated software challenges within test, measurement, and control. 

Read more about GPower

A Statement from our New Champion

“When I started at GPower back in 2017, my ambition was to become one of the best LabVIEW developers. There is still a long way to go, but I am enormously proud to be included in the LabVIEW Champions network. In addition to being a super cool network, it also provides the opportunity to engage in in-depth discussions across continents and cultures.

I look forward to helping shape the future of LabVIEW. There are some exciting initiatives from NI and the various LabVIEW communities, which include, among other things, expanding the teaching opportunities, promoting collaboration on open-source tools, and much more. This supports my work in the non-profit organization GCentral, where I am part of the board of Directors as well as GCentral’s Idea Exchange.

Soon, my goal is to create a LabVIEW network in Denmark with the aim of learning from each other across companies and universities. So, please let me know if you’re up for joining” – Jesper Kjær Sørensen.

Go to Jesper’s LabVIEW Champion Badge