IO-Link for LabVIEW and TestStand

GPower IO-Link for LabVIEW & TestStand [Download Free Trial Versions]

Are you a LabVIEW or TestStand developer, you should really watch this video and try GPower IO-Link! A universal driver for more than 30,000 IO-Link devices!

IO-Link for LabVIEW and TestStand

Even though IO-Link has been around for more than a decade there has been no easy way to connect the devices with the NI tool chain. This is why the GPower IO-Link is revolutionary. By installing just one toolkit you gain access to data from more than 30.000 devices right in your LabVIEW code. Moreover, we have taken our own medicine and utilized our IO-Link LabVIEW Toolkit to build a set of IO-Link step types for TestStand.

A Revolutionary Product Including...

LabVIEW driver for IO-Link Masters

    • LabVIEW driver API with LabVIEW Palette
    • Easy access to all parameters of IO-Link devices thanks to the simple download of IODD files
    • Easy installation using VI Package Manager

TestStand Step Type for IO-link Masters

    • Easy access to all parameters of IO-Link devices thanks to the simple download of IODD files
    • Direct integration to TestStand variables
    • Easy installation using NI Package Manager

Download Free Trial Versions

We hope this trigged your interest in IO-Link products and our tools for accessing them from the NI software tool chain. You can download free trial versions and learn more by visiting our website:

#iolink #plugnplay #encoders #ioddfile

GPower udvider udviklingsteamet med erfaren testingeniør!

Experienced Test Engineer Becomes Part of GPower’s Team!

At GPower, we welcome Morten Baltzer who has become part of our development team. Besides many years of experience as a certified test engineer, Morten has also an in-depth knowledge of NI software and hardware, among others.

With an increasing number of development projects and more finished test and measurement products, we have hired Morten as a software developer from March 1, 2021.

Morten has a degree in mechanical engineering from Aarhus University. After graduating, he worked for a few years at our partner NI (National Instruments) in Stockholm acquiring a great deal of knowledge about NI’s software and hardware products, among others. Most recently, Morten comes from a position as a test engineer at Prevas being responsible for developing and optimizing test systems using LabVIEW and TestStand. In both positions, he has had a commercial role, which is also an opportunity at GPower:

“Despite the corona situation, we have hired Morten because he is the right profile for our development department. In addition to an in-depth knowledge of NI, he also has extensive experience in developing and optimizing test systems. At the same time, he also has the desire and ability to combine software development and sales. This is “spot on” here and now but also in the future” – Martin Boje, CEO at GPower.

Why GPower?

“I turned to GPower, as they are the leading LabVIEW team in Denmark which is my great passion. Moreover, it seems like everyone works together on projects. So, instead of being like 15 one-man companies in one company, I see GPower as a team working together and utilizing synergies to achieve the final goal. This fact combined with the possibility of having an influence on a company’s further development captured my interest”, says Morten Baltzer.

A very warm welcome to Morten! 👏

Ny case om produktions- og generatortest [Siemens Gamesa]

New Case about Production and Generator Tests! [Siemens Gamesa]

Strong Collaboration between GPower and Siemens

With almost 100 GW installed on a global scale, Siemens Gamesa (SG) is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of wind turbines. On the establishment of a new factory in Cuxhaven, Germany, SG realized the need for a faster and more flexible test system to secure the future production of wind turbine generators. A system that could easily be converted to measure on future – perhaps radically different – generator models. Moreover, a system that was ready to be implemented to other production lines at the factory.

Brug for fjernsupport? [GPower TeamViewer Support]

Do You Need Remote Support? [GPower TeamViewer Support]

At GPower, we have been using remote support for a long time. However, because of COVID-19, the demand is bigger than ever before – both from new and existing customers!

Do you need remote support to solve a current challenge, or do you need our advice on a new project without us having to be physically present?

Based on TeamViewer, we offer secure remote support as part of our consulting services. GPower TeamViewer support gives us the opportunity to offer immediate support if you experience technical errors and system crashes, among others. In addition, it also enables us to gain insights into new queries, as we can easily and quickly log in to the customer’s systems.

A Testimonial [DPA Microphones]

“I contacted GPower due to errors on our existing TestStand sequences after converting our test system from LabVIEW 2014 and TestStand 2014 to, respectively, LabVIEW 2018 and TestStand 2017.

By using Remote Support, GPower could easily and quickly help us solve the problem by connecting to our production machines. After fixing the errors, they also helped us with the subsequent conversion process. We clearly recommend GPower to others who need LabVIEW or TestStand experts here and now, but also in the long run” – Jimmy Ørsted, DPA Microphones.

Download GPower TeamViewer-support

Fields and Skills

    • Test & Measurement
    • Automation & Simulation
    • Calibration & Machine Vision
    • Instrumentation & Sensors
    • Timing & Synchronization
    • LabVIEW
    • TestStand
    • InsightCM
    • SystemLink
    • NI Hardware
Tillykke med titlen som LabVIEW-arkitekt, Jeppe! [CLA]

Congratulations on Your Title as LabVIEW Architect, Jeppe! [CLA]

Good news at GPower! In only one month, we have become not just one, but two more LabVIEW architects. Congratulations to our system developer, Jeppe Lohse, who has also gained the highest LabVIEW certification!

What Does It Mean to be a Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA)?

The CLA is the final step in the three-part LabVIEW certification process. The exam verifies the developer’s ability to build a VI hierarchy and project plan for delivering an application that fulfills a set of high-level requirements. Certified Architects provide technical leadership and help to ensure the developers on their team follow best practices for LabVIEW programming among other things.

More information about CLA

The Best Certification Average in Denmark

At GPower, we are among the highest certified LabVIEW and TestStand teams in Europe. Both are software products from NI (National Instruments). Moreover, we are also the team with the highest NI certification average in Denmark. Certifications that are supported by the fact that our founder, in addition, is the only LabVIEW Champion in Denmark.

But what do the certifications and titles really mean to you? Besides, we are approved to solve the most demanding software challenges for test, measurement, and control, the certifications are also creating an environment focusing on common software skills and expert knowledge. Hence, a strong foundation for developing software solutions of the highest quality. Skills that might be relevant if you, e.g. need a measurement system for data logging in a development department or a test system for quality assurance of processes in a manufacturing company.

Endnu en LabVIEW-arkitekt hos GPower! [Certified LabVIEW Architect]

One More LabVIEW Architect at GPower! [Certified LabVIEW Architect]

Congratulations to our systems engineer, Danny Halskov Birkmose, who has also gained the highest LabVIEW certification.

Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA)

We have become one more LabVIEW Architect at GPower thanks to Danny’s successful CLA exam – with a score of more than 90%.

In short, the CLA is the final step in the three-part LabVIEW certification process. The exam verifies the developer’s ability to build a VI hierarchy and project plan for delivering an application that fulfills a set of high-level requirements. Certified Architects provide technical leadership and help to ensure the developers on their team follow best practices for LabVIEW programming among other things.

More information about CLA

Among the Highest Certified in Europe

In Europe, GPower is among the highest certified LabVIEW and TestStand teams. Besides creating a common foundation and an environment focusing on technical skills and expert knowledge, the LabVIEW and TestStand certifications are also creating a strong foundation for developing software solutions of the highest quality. Examples of this could be to develop scalable test systems for production environments or measuring instruments to quality assure processes in development departments.

Read more about GPower

Marck Holm Hansen

Marck Holm Hansen Starts at GPower Today!

It is with great pleasure, we can announce that Marck Holm Hansen starts as software developer at GPower today. Marck has, among other things, extensive experience in developing test systems, which is spot on in terms of ProFactory – our brand new system for all kinds of test executions!

LabVIEW and TestStand Expert

Marck Holm Hansen is a trained Bachelor of Engineering from VIA in Horsens, Denmark. After graduating, he started as a software developer at DSE Test Solutions, where he has been for almost nine years now. At DSE Test Solutions, Marck has, among other things, worked on the commissioning of products and the development of various test systems by using LabVIEW and TestStand.

In addition to many years of experience with LabVIEW and TestStand, Marck has also passed several certifications from National Instruments resulting in an even greater test and measurement know-how. Furthermore, he has also become a Certified LabVIEW Architect and Certified TestStand Architect, just like more of our developers.

Why GPower?

“GPower seems to be an exciting company, where I will have good opportunities to expand my skills, but also acquire new ones, as they have many LabVIEW and TestStand experts. I very much look forward to being part of GPower’s development team, including contributing to their daily development processes” – Marck Holm Hansen.

A very warm welcome to Marck!

2019: Positive forandringer hele vejen rundt hos GPower

2019: Positive Changes in Many Ways [Annual Story]

What happened at GPower during 2019, and what do we expect for the coming year? In this post, our CEO reports on the past year while also giving a foretaste of 2020.

A Summary of 2019

In short, 2019 was a year of large-scale, but positive changes regarding everything from development of own products to a new organizational structure. Changes that were made owing to a staff increase of 33%, despite a year of establishment. The increasement has, among other things, resulted in more projects in pipeline as well as a much larger and much more varied customer portfolio. These are all factors that will be decisive for us next year, where we expect the number of employees to increase by up to double.

To return to own products, we have made good progress in what we said in 2018. In addition to being ready to launch a complete test concept, we are continuously launching new packages of our proprietary software where reusability, quality, and efficiency are among the keywords.

More employees, projects, and customers have likewise resulted in a new organizational structure that came into effect shortly before the summer holidays. Consequently, Jens Christian Andersen and Mads Grunnet Askholt are now the two new Tech Leads in our development department. Jens Christian and Mads are both supporting our CTO, Steen Secher Schmidt, regarding day-to-day operations, while also having a leading position when it comes to projects and software development in general. In addition to changes in the development department, changes have also occurred in our sales department, where Poul Lindholm Pedersen has entered the scene as our new Tech Sales. In close cooperation with Steen, Poul has intensified the focus on further development in terms of our concepts, strategic cooperation agreements, and partnerships, for which we have great expectations.

Furthermore, we have scaled up in terms of LabVIEW and TestStand certifications, which means that all developers have increased 1-2 levels during the year. Besides creating a common skill sets and an environment with a huge knowledge sharing, the certifications have also meant that we are highest certified LabVIEW and TestStand company in Denmark. All this is moreover supported by the fact that we are working on the most ground-breaking test and measurement projects in Scandinavia which I am incredibly proud to be part of.

What Are the Expectations for 2020?

Besides we already know that an experienced developer will join our team at the beginning of next year, we also expect to introduce another two employees during Q1. In addition, we will be launching several of our concepts, just as we will continue the journey from 2019 in 2020.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our long-time partner, National Instruments. Once again, they have proven that they are the right partner for us at present but also in the future. This is, among other things, because of their uncompromising approach to ensuring the highest quality while also having a forward-looking product portfolio. Two examples that are completely aligned with our philosophy.

Moreover, thanks to all our customers and partners for a good and fruitful cooperation in 2019. At the same time, I also wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Internally at GPower, we are now looking forward to celebrating 2019 and welcoming 2020 which we are doing with a ski holiday in Tignes, France in week 2. So now you know why, if you do not get a quick answer in the beginning of January 😉 🍻.

See you in 2020!

– Martin Boje, CEO at GPower.

Nu med yderligere to TestStand-arkitekter

Two More “STRONG” TestStand Architects

A week ago, we celebrated that we have become two more TestStand Architects at GPower. Congratulations to Mads Grunnet Askholt and Jeppe Lohse, who have now received the highest TestStand certification. PSST! Yes, we have our own fitness facilities 😊

GPower Is the Highest Certified in Denmark

In addition to be the company in Denmark with the greatest number of TestStand certifications, we are also the company in Denmark with the greatest number of Certified TestStand Architects – the final step in the two-part TestStand certification process. But what does that actually mean for you?

Read more about TestStand

This means, among other things, that we have the skills to develop the most advanced test systems. Skills that might be relevant if you for instance need a system for data logging in a development department or a system for quality assurance of processes in a manufacturing company.

Two-part TestStand Certification Process

In order to become a Certified TestStand Architect (CTA), you must first be a Certified TestStand Developer (CTD), which you can read more about here.

At GPower, we have a total of 21 certifications, including five CTDs and four CTAs.