LabVIEW & TestStand kursus
Opbyg og udvid kompetencer inden for LabVIEW og TestStand

Danmarks førende eksperter
Har I brug for undervisning og kurser til at opbygge og/eller udvide jeres kompetencer inden for LabVIEW og TestStand? Hos GPower gør vi jer bl.a. i stand til at blive:
- Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD)
- Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA)
- Certified TestStand Developer (CTD)
- Certified TestStand Architect (CTA)

Deltag i GPowers kurser og få ...
- Undervisning af Danmarks førende eksperter inden for LabVIEW og TestStand
- To eksklusive kursusdage sammen med maksimalt 12 andre kursister
- Et kursusdiplom efter endt kursus
- Fuld forplejning (morgebrød, frokost og eftermiddagssnack)

1/10 - 2/10 2025-
Syntax and code development
Error handling strategies
Testing and debugging your software
Introduction to design patterns
Building basic applications

TestStand 1
29/10 - 30/10 2025-
The Seqence Editor
Sequence Files, Sequences, and Steps
Use of Code Modules
Sequential and Parallel Execution
Results, Storing, and Reporting
Custom Step Types

Afventer dato-
LabVIEW containers
Intra-process communication methods
The power of VI Server
Internals of the VI
Understanding the malleable VI
Best practices designing VI's

LabVIEW Best Practices
- Introduction – What and Why LabVIEW?
- The LabVIEW Development Environment
- Code Development In LabVIEW
- Basic Error Handling
- Debug And Test
- Design Patterns
- Building Application
Kurset bliver denne gang afholdt på Nils Foss Allé 1 i Hillerød, hvor der begge dage vil være fuld forplejning.
![TestStand – mere end bare testafvikling [Testmanagement]](

TestStand Best Practices
- TestStand – What is it and how do we use it?
- Major Software Components Overview
- The Sequence Editor
- Edit A Sequence
- Call A Code Module
- Custom Step Types
- Callback Sequences
- Result Processing – Storing and Reporting
- Parameterize A Sequence File
- Custom Operator UI
- User Management
- Deployment
Kurset bliver denne gang afholdt på Nils Foss Allé 1 i Hillerød, hvor der begge dage vil være fuld forplejning.
Hvad siger vores kunder?
“Udover at være NI Certified Professional Instructor (CPI) underviser jeg ud fra mere end 20 års erfaring med LabVIEW og TestStand”
– Jens Christian Andersen, Senior Specialist & CPI
Højeste certificerings-gennemsnit i Danmark
Udover at være blandt de teams i Europa med flest certificeringer inden for LabVIEW og TestStand, der begge er softwareprodukter fra NI (National Instruments), er vi også det team i Danmark med det højeste certificeringsgennemsnit.
Samtidig er vi også det eneste team, hvor alle udviklere er certificeret i både LabVIEW og TestStand. Certificeringer, som desuden bliver understøttet af, at vi har intet mindre end tre LabVIEW Champions.
- Certified LabVIEW Developers & Architects
- Certified TestStand Developers & Architects
- Certified Professional Instructor
- LabVIEW Champions

Hvad siger vores partner NI?
“The world needs engineers now more than ever. Whether testing the products we use in our daily lives or building solutions to protect and optimize our renewable energy sources, NI Partners help customers realize the possible.
GPower, one of our system integrators in Denmark, helps NI customers meet these engineering challenges through developing high-quality, cost-effective test and measurement systems based on NI technology. Working on complex development challenges that production facilities, research and development organizations, and laboratories are facing today, GPower uses their expertise in NI LabVIEW and TestStand software platforms to help customers innovate and develop solutions that can benefit the energy and production industries of tomorrow” – Kristoffer Iversen.